Howard Boltz caught this nice largemouth bass on a Strike King Tri-Wing Buzz King buzzbait. |
Yes, it's the dog days of summer. It's widely known that fishing for largemouth bass through the hottest hours of the summer slows during mid day, but early morning and late evening hours tend to be quite a bit more productive. Most bass anglers make sure that they're on the water during dusk or dawn, tempting aggressive actively feeding bucketmouths with a variety of lures, especially topwater lures. Then, during the heat of the day, they probe the depths for lethargic largies, sometimes with success, other times not so much. But most anglers overlook the time when the bigger bass prefer to feed during the hot summer, and that's during the pitch black hours during the night and wee hours of the morning. You may or may not have a lot of strikes, but often the ones that you boat are fish that are a cut above those in size that you catch during the day.
Anglers that fish the last few hours of daylight at dusk may decide to stay an extra hour or so and fish and discover a dramatic drop off in the number of bites once the sun drops over the horizon. In fact, it may stop completely, giving the angler the impression that the fish stopped biting all together. When you think about it, when you're out in the dark, it takes a while for your eyes to adjust. I believe it's the same thing with largemouth, needing about an hour or so for their eyes to adjust to key on prey. Bass have good eyesight in the dark and combined with their sixth sense, the lateral line that senses vibrations under water, they effectively key on noisy prey. Buzzbaits offer a big profile or silhouette and certainly emit strong enough vibrations to send a bass into attack mode. So, before packing it in, if you have the time to fish late, stay an hour longer than you normally would before deciding if the buzzbait bite is on or not.
My favorite buzzbait spots are have shorelines with abundant cover but are shallow with deep water nearby. Combinations of wood and weeds are optimal. If frogs are abundant, so much the better. Big bass spend the hot days in deep water sanctuaries but move shallow to feed during the night time hours. It's my opinion that frogs are the key to night fishing in general. When they're out, bass know it, and you should too. Summer time temperatures slow the bass during the day, but the night time cooler temperatures are much more comfortable for bass and allow them to feed heavily on abundant prey while expending the least amount of energy. When they sense a critter, or your buzzbait, splashing into the water, they hone in on that sound and track further vibrations to the point of the strike. In other words, they hear it, feel it, find it, see it, and strike it. Often, they'll follow it quite a ways before exploding on your lure, sometimes right at the bank or boat just a few feet away. It's as if they strike at the last minute before their prey can escape. If you're lucky enough to place your cast close to a bass waiting in ambush, the strike could be instantaneous with your lure entry.
This two pounder struck a Strike King triple blade buzzer leaving yours truly with that deer in the headlights look! |
Another technique is to let your buzzer dangle in the water a couple seconds before yanking it out to make another cast. Bass will sometimes hit with your lure just hanging there. If you're bank fishing though, please be advised that bullfrogs will also hit your buzzer as it's dangling there in front of them! Some anglers have found that bass will strike at the boat and miss, and try the figure eight technique that pike and musky anglers employ, they sometimes will draw a follow up strike. To do that, at the end of your retrieve with the lure still in the water with a few feet of line still out, work your rod tip in a large figure eight motion at the side of the boat a few times. Sometimes bass will hang out there and strike again. Personally, I've tried it without success, but have had friends tell me that it's worked for them. So, I'll keep trying. It can't hurt, right?
Vary your retrieve speeds and let bass tell you what they want. If they want it, believe me, you'll know! Often the strikes are explosive, but other times they'll just slurp the lure. If you keep missing fish, try using a trailer hook. Sometimes they like it burned across the surface, usually when there's some ambient light or moonlight to assist them in tracking the lure. If it's really dark out, I prefer slowing the bait down to a crawl, just fast enough to keep the blades working. That gives them time to find your lure. If you're not getting strikes, make a change to either your presentation, type of buzzbait, or size of buzzbait. Try different casting angles including a very productive one, casting parallel to shore. Bass like to hug the shoreline in ambush of frogs, so casting parallel keeps your bait in the strike zone longer. In fact, if there are multiple bass in the area, your odds are greatly increased because you're covering a lot of strike zones of individual bass.
What about colors? I like chartreuse because, at least in my mind, it suggests frogs. If a smart guy like me (yeah right) thinks it's a frog, then certainly an animal with the brain the size of a pea will think so too. White is also visible at night because it reflects light the best, so if there's any ambient light it should be easy to see. But, probably the most popular color to use is black or another dark color. Why? Because it offers a great silhouette and is easy for bass to see especially when there's a fair amount of moonlight. Of all the qualities of a buzzer though, I think color is the least important when using them at night. Noise and vibration come first in my opinion. These are reaction baits, not finesse baits, and the reaction strike is the one that you're going to get. That's what, after all, makes them the most exciting lure to use.
This is one of my favorite in-line buzzbaits, noisy and squeaky, and I made it myself! |
This one hit a buzzer about ten feet from me. This fish went ballistic on me. What fun! I'm still shaking from that ordeal! |
Other night fishing tips, bring a light so you can re-tie, tie on a new lure after losing one, or change baits easily and see what your doing. Also, when night fishing, things happen. All it takes is a snag that you've freed to wrap line around your lure impeding it's action or that ties knots around your rod tip that you could never design yourself if you tried, or even picking out the dreaded backlash. Having some light to remedy such a situation really can save your trip. Lights that clip to your hat or wear on your head allow you to keep your hands free to do what you need to do. Try to not shine the light over the water that you're fishing if at all possible. I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but I'd rather not let the fish know that I'm there, so why take the chance? It couldn't hurt to be as stealthy as possible. Try to avoid making a lot of boat noise. Bring bug spray with a high content of Deet or some other way to keep insects from biting you. Mosquitos are the primary enemy in my neck of the woods. Even though it's not the hottest part of the day, I make sure to drink plenty of fluids too. And, probably the most obvious is to know the water that you're fishing because you can visualize the cover and be reasonably accurate with your casts. Also, know your water that you're boating on for safety reasons.
Don't forget to read my posts about making your own buzzbaits so that you can increase your buzzer arsenal while saving money. If you haven't already read them, here are the links:
In summary, largemouth bass are very active at night, especially the big fat females that we all love to catch. There are many baits or lures that will catch them at night, but there's nothing that is as thrilling or exciting as a big fat bucketmouth exploding on your buzzbait when it's pitch black outside. And, you can have it all to yourself.
So spot on! Living in coastal NJ,all summer bass fishing is done at night. The tri wing buzzer is my favorite buzzbait. Hollow body frogs and my old school secret weapon,the Harrison Hoge Super frog. Origanilly the Bill Plumber super frog is a deadly option. Last 2 weeks a 5-2 and a 5-10 let me know that the bugs,sweat and poison ivy are definately worth it! being 64years old it's difficult to take pictures.weigh and release big bass in a timely manor. I cant even chew gum and drive at same time,lol. Very refreshing to see the night crew doing what i've been doing for the last 45 years' If I break 6 lbs i'll take pics. #fish til you die.# dont be afraid of the dark! And yes,there are monsters out there,waiting on you to take a cast!
ReplyDeleteThose are some hawgs for our area, and there's nothing like topwater. I'm in your age bracket and it's as fun now as it was when I was a youngster, it never gets old. If you get some nice pics, post the pic links here. Thank you for the comment.