
Monday, September 3, 2012

The Shark Tooth Hunt (Set 3)

We'll continue our shark tooth hunt, eye spy style, with pictures 21 through 30.  To see the first twenty pictures, you'll have to go back and revisit my two prior posts, "The Shark Tooth Hunt (Set 1)" and "The Shark Tooth Hunt (Set 2)", where I posted ten pictures of in situ photographs of fossilized shark teeth.  These next ten pictures will be a mix of locations and background styles, but still should be a lot of fun.  Hope y'all enjoy them!

Picture 21
A different fossil this time...there's a fossilized Palaeocene crocodile tooth in this picture.   Click on the link below to find it.

Picture 22.
There are two teeth in this picture, one obvious fossilized Striatolamna sand tiger shark tooth, and a not so obvious partially hidden tooth.

Picture 23.
OK, well this isn't a fossil, but he's pretty well hidden, but his defensive posture gives him away.  Say hello to a Maryland blue crab!
Picture 24.
This tooth has a broken root, but was found at a different location.  I think that it's also Palaeocene based on some of the other fossils found in the creek along with a little research on the area.  I was prospecting a new spot that had potential, not knowing if I'd find shark teeth or not.  Here's the first one that I found here.  Can you spot it?
Here's a picture of the tooth...I'm not sure of the species yet, but I think it's another sand tiger shark lateral tooth.

Picture 25.

Here's another one from my new's a bit easier to see though.  Although the quality of the finds on this trip weren't that great or numerous, this spot has a lot of potential.

Picture 26.
Here's another easy one to find.  It seems easy here, but in real life this was much tougher to find.  Give credit to the camera!

Let's look for some stuff from the PCS mine in Aurora, North Carolina.  Currently, they don't allow collecting there, but a few years ago they did.  Let's hope that they open it up to collectors again some day soon.

These are some pretty large shark teeth and should be easy to find, right?  Well, let's see how you do finding the two on the left.
Picture 27.
Well, this is the easiest one of the bunch.  It's the left most tooth in the picture above of the three teeth.  This mako, Cosmopolitodus hastalis.  This shark was perhaps ancestor or close extinct cousin to today's great white shark.
Picture 28.
There's another Lee Creek mako in this picture.

Picture 29.
There's a Lee Creek Pliocene tiger shark in this picture, Galeocerdo cuvier.  

Picture 30, the last one of this post.
There's a Lee Creek megalodon in this picture.  It's a posterior tooth. 
It's not the huge meg that folks look for at the PCS mine in Aurora, NC.  But it's a good find., not very common at all.

During our virtual shark tooth hunting trips the past three posts, we visited Palaeocene and Pliocene locations and saw a variety of shark teeth.  I admit that it's quite a bit more difficult to pick the teeth out of these pictures than it could be in the field, but not much really.  My hope is that you had fun reading these and if you are a beginning collector, this might help to give you the "eye" for finding your own.  If y'all provide some positive feedback then perhaps I'll post more like this.


  1. Great blog and GREAT situ pics! I'm a recent MD transplant and pretty new to th whole paleo-shark tooth thing, but my other hobbies (and work, actually) are hunting and fishing. We live 9 minutes from Brownies, so, even though it gets pounded, its such a quick, easy spot, my wife and I go there at least every week, and in the summer it was more like every evening!

  2. Thanks Wolfy, I may have met you out there! Check out the forum links and join a couple, and shoot me a PM.
