We could debate who the number one fan of shark toothin' at Myrtle Beach is for some time. Obviously, it's me! Well, then again, maybe not. I may have found someone who loves it more than I do. Actually, she found me.
After reading my post, "
How to Find Shark Teeth at Myrtle Beach", Stephanie of South Carolina not only posted a comment to the blog, but also found a way to contact me via email about her passion for this wonderful hobby.
Stephanie agrees with my approach to helping other beachcombers or people that ask what we're looking for. Like me, they never turn down the opportunity to share with children, showing them how to find the teeth, give them information about fossils, and even give them teeth as examples to help them find them on their own.
She shares her shark toothing passion with the love of her life of fourteen years, Joe. She says that he is the greatest, hard working, kindest man that she knows (other than her Father), and adds that he is her best friend. Joe prefers to dig deep into the sand, to create a hole, to get down to shell layers that aren't under the eye of your average daily beach combers in hopes of finding larger shark teeth. Stephanie will also dig, but also prefers just walking the beach, using her eyes to browse the shell beds, along with other techniques.
Fellow shark toothing fanatics Stephanie and the love of her life, Joe, share the passion of fossiling in the beach. Stephanie also made this frame from her beachcombing finds. I think this is one of the coolest things that I've seen that incorporate beachcombing finds. Nice work Stephanie! |
Joe shown here digging a hole searching for shark teeth at Myrtle Beach. |
Stephanie enjoyed all of the tips that I offered, but also adds one of her own. For night collecting, Stephanie highly recommends the rechargeable
Stanley SL5W09 5 Watt LED Spotlight. I might have to invest in one myself. Maybe I should drop a hint to my wife about this potential Christmas gift!
Together, their biggest find was a large beautiful great white shark that Joe found under a pier, after working hard and digging deep for his prize. And, she also said that about three years ago, they found over 1,300 shark teeth at Myrtle Beach in a fifteen day span. That is a lot of shark teeth! Over the years, they've found all kinds of fossils including shark vertebrae, sting ray barbs, and various fossilized shells.
Stephanie and Joe's best Myrtle Beach find. Check out this awesome great white shark tooth! |
Like me, Stephanie and Joe really enjoy the Discovery Channel's Shark Week. She feels that sharks are one of the most intriguing animals, a passion for these amazing animals that she's had most of her life that inspires her collecting and crafting hobbies.
Stephanie made this pumpkin. Think she loves sharks or what? Wow, that is awesome. |
In addition to collecting at Myrtle Beach, they enjoy collecting shark teeth and other fossils at Edisto and Folly Beach.
Stephanie and Joe found these teeth at Myrtle Beach. |
These shark teeth were found at Folly and Edisto Beaches. |
I put my best finds in Riker Mounts and display them, and store the rest in various containers. What do they do with their finds? Stephanie enjoys making various crafts out of her shark teeth and other finds. When she shared the pictures with me, I thought that they were amazing and just had to share them with you, with her permission, of course. I've posted them below, and I hope that you all like them as much as I do.
Stephanie has some real talent with her beachcombing crafting skills. Just look at this beautiful frame. |
Stephanie made this shadow box to display a megalodon tooth. Right now a great white shark occupies the space in the box until she finds a meg tooth. Pretty cool! |
Here's another beautiful frame that Stephanie created. Nice pic of her and Joe too! |
Here's a wreath that Stephanie created out of "sharks eye" shells, shark teeth, and other beach finds. It's not finished yet, but already it's a work of art. How appropriate for this time of year!
Cool pumpkin, I love it. Nice site Kevin, keep up the good work. Hope you had a Merry Christmas, and have a great New Year!
Thank you Jeff! I hope that you and your family had a Merry Christmas! I wish that I could carve a pumpkin that well!
Wow, how awesome. My husband and I love Myrtle Beach for all the great findings. We have found a few shark teeth as well. Nothing close to the 1,300 Stephanie and her husband found. However, with us finding such great things on the beach we decided to start looking in Myrtle beach for beach houses. So we can always be on the beach. Thanks for the great post.
You're welcome, and thank you for the feedback Brielle! I love Myrtle Beach as well. It would be cool to just walk out of your house each day and find shark teeth!!!! I'm envious :)
We have found shark teeth on the beach, too. The boys make them into a necklace and boast about their find when we head back north. I like the wreath very much.
Thank you Maureen for the nice comment. I'm sure that Stephanie is really excited that you like her crafts.
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